How Much Experience Do Residential Electricians Have?

In Pennsylvania, the requirements for obtaining an electrical contractor license vary by county. Generally, you need to have a minimum of two years of experience working as a master electrician before you can apply for a contractor's license.

How Much Experience Do Residential Electricians Have?

In Pennsylvania, the requirements for obtaining an electrical contractor license vary by county. Generally, you need to have a minimum of two years of experience working as a master electrician before you can apply for a contractor's license. This means that electricians with less than a year of experience represent only 2 percent of the workforce. Most electricians, who make up 31 percent of the workforce, have between 10 and 19 years of experience.

24 percent of electricians have at least 20 years of experience, 22 percent have between one and four years of experience, and 21 percent have between five and nine years of experience. A residential electrician is the most common type of electrician. They are responsible for installing, troubleshooting, maintaining, and updating electrical systems in residential environments such as homes, apartments, and condominiums. Electricians don't have the most glamorous jobs but they are essential to our society.

All electricians have the same job description but their duties may vary. Most electricians work standard shifts of 9 to 5 but there are many who work during the night and on weekends. Some electricians are even on call 24 hours a day. An electrician usually starts their day in the building of the company they work for.

They log in and get a list of tasks they must perform during the day and are provided with all the supplies they need. Electricians can do many different tasks during the day such as installing wiring, testing circuits, and troubleshooting electrical problems.

Types of Electricians

Within the two main categories of the electrician hierarchy, there are many different fields of electricians. Less commonly, electricians can become construction project managers and supervise a group of electricians and other construction workers. Depending on their level of experience and supervisory functions, a residential electrician can also lead teams of workers and plan and diagram electrical projects.

Where Do Residential Electricians Work?

Most residential electricians work for contractors or construction companies or are self-employed.

Residential electricians generally must have a state license and have a certain number of hours of classroom learning, on-the-job training, and work experience. Electricians travel every day to a workplace which may be a new construction or an existing residential building and may work alone or as part of a team depending on the size of the job.

Dangers Faced by Residential Electricians

As a residential electrician, you'll face the possibility of electric shocks, falls, fires, and injuries related to equipment and tools in addition to simply being on a construction site.

What Makes Residential Electricians Different?

The big difference is that residential electricians work in buildings that are residences, single-family homes, and small apartment buildings. If you want to become an electrician in industrial or commercial fields you may need additional training and licensing. Most programs offer everything you need to work in residential environments but to become a commercial electrician or work in a specialized area you may need additional training and licensing.

Master Electricians

Finally, master electricians work on the most complex commercial and industrial projects and have the experience needed to train Journeymen electricians to do the same.


An electrician is any qualified dealer who designs, installs, maintains and repairs electrical systems and products used in residential homes, businesses, and factories.

Amanda Boose
Amanda Boose

Award-winning internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture fanatic. Bacon guru. Friendly tv advocate. Avid social media practitioner. Friendly tv aficionado.

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