Essential Tools for Electricians: What Materials Do They Need?

Being an electrician requires having access to certain tools in order to do your job safely and efficiently. Learn what materials an electrician needs in order to do their job.

Essential Tools for Electricians: What Materials Do They Need?

Being able to measure voltage without test cables can save you time and keep you safer. Pliers are an absolute must-have for electricians who regularly work with and cut wire. The most commonly used pliers by electricians include fine-nose pliers, side-cut pliers, and reamer pliers. Electricians will always have a variety of screwdrivers to loosen and fasten various pieces of hardware.

Many professionals carry adaptable screwdrivers with interchangeable tips so that they never run out of the electric hand tools they need. When electricians work with wiring, it's important to know the length of the parts you're cutting and stripping. A simple retractable measuring tape will do most field work, but there are advanced measuring tapes on the market that will make the process easier. Electricians will use an electric drill to help them install new lighting fixtures or dismantle installed hardware to access wiring and other electrical components.

This tool is frequently used, since installing lighting fixtures or accessing electrical wiring is a common task that is asked of an electrician. To install new ducts or replace old ones, different pipe segments are connected to create a wiring path between electrical components. A reaming drill bit is connected to an electric drill, widening the opening at one end of the pipe and allowing it to be connected to another segment of the pipe and complete a safe duct. Electricians use a variety of high-quality insulating screwdrivers, or a set of screwdrivers, another need in the toolbox, to loosen and fasten various pieces of hardware.

Many professionals now carry ergonomic ratchet screwdrivers with interchangeable tips, so that they never get stuck without the right electrical maintenance tool. When working with wiring, it's essential to know the exact measurements when cutting and stripping. A simple retractable measuring tape is enough, but the models available with magnetic tips, multi-step closures and other functions facilitate this process. Made of plastic, vinyl, or fiberglass fabric, this adhesive material is pressure sensitive and essential for insulating cables or other materials that conduct electricity.

Insulating tape prevents electrical current from accidentally passing to other cables and from being electrocuted when it touches current cables. Also known as cable ties, these affordable fasteners are essential tools for joining electrical cables or wires. Keep your electrical space clean and organized with cable ties. You'll need a variety of different types of screwdrivers for the different screw sizes you'll find every day, ranging from wood screws to machine screws.

For safety reasons, make sure that the screwdrivers are insulated up to 1000 V to protect against electric shocks and arcs. Cable strippers are an essential tool to ensure that, when removing insulation from a cable, only the pressure required to prevent the copper cable from being damaged is used. Some brands can also be used to strip the cover and insulation of twin and ground cables. This particular model shown also has the ability to perform crimping.

Duct benders allow electricians to curve duct pipes so that electricians can use these routes and ensure that the ducts remain separate.

Amanda Boose
Amanda Boose

Award-winning internet nerd. Infuriatingly humble pop culture fanatic. Bacon guru. Friendly tv advocate. Avid social media practitioner. Friendly tv aficionado.

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